November Camp – Automotive
November 23, 2019
November Camp Was All About Maintaining Your Car and Your Faith
holding on to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and so have suffered shipwreck (or destroyed) with regard to the faith. – 1 Timothy 1:19
“Keep up on your faith as you keep up on the maintenance of your vehicle so it stays strong and does not become destroyed”

How to Change Oil
Our campers were able to learn basic automotive maintenance including how to change oil, locate dipsticks, and check levels.
Learning visual inspections means more than just knowing...
“At this camp, he was super excited that he got to use the jack to lift the car. Usually after every camp, he’ll tell me all about the things he learned and he’ll want to show me everything. It definitely gives him a boost of confidence. He also loves being complimented by the mentors. I can tell him that he did a great job on something and it’s no big deal, but when one of the men from camp tells him the same thing, he has to tell everyone about it. It means so much to him. There’s just not a male at home to talk to him that way and encourage him.” – Campers Aunt
Thank You
A HUGE THANK YOU!!! A huge thank you goes out to Christian Brothers Automotive in Granbury, Summit Racing Equipment, Dickies, and Walmart for all the time and donations to make this camp possible.
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