May Texas Camp – Yard Work
May 21, 2022
Work it and Keep it
Don’t be misled, bad company corrupts good character. – 1 Corinthians 15:33

Weeds Verses Grass
Just as bad company chokes out or corrupts good character, weeds choke out or corrupts the growth of grass. This is why we need to tame the land allowing growth in the good behaviors and removal of the bad behaviors.
For Starts
We started our day by walking the grounds with the owner, evaluating what needs to be done, and what the owner wanted to be accomplished. We were serving an elderly senior in Thorp Spings. This camp is one of our “Serve” camps for the year to use the skill we are learning to give back to our community.
All The New Tools
All the campers received step-by-step training on the walk-behind mower, weed-eater, chainsaw, zero-turn mower, pole saw, and electric hedge trimmer. Once they became familiar with the equipment they were off to get familiar and comfortable with it.
Trees for Days
We were blessed by having one of our very own Advance Camp mentors very familiar with trimming, shaping, and pruning. The campers learned how to take care of the trees and the proper seasons and process for trimming and pruning. The lady that volunteered her property had no shortage of trees to practice on. PS, it made for great shade when the heat of the day arrived.
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Now to Have Some Fun
Our upcoming camp is fishing. One of the coolest things about this year is we get to use the boat that was donated and used as our fabrication camp in November of last year.
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