May Praise Report
May 11, 2019
God is on the move. I love seeing God open doors and move people that almost seem unmovable.

The Team
We have a team of men who love to serve and love to share their knowledge.Our diversity of skills and interests create a great platform to reach many different backgrounds.
The New Face in the Team Picture
We just added a new team member. Freedom Noble is heading up our “Giving” portion of our ministry. He has been on as the Director of Giving for 4 weeks and already made some big impacts. Be on the look out for an Ice Cream named after us at Silver Saddle Saloon in the Granbury Square along with MANY other businesses partnering with us for the month of June. He is on the look out for grants and businesses that want to partner with us to minimize the impacts of fatherlessness.
Building Relationships
There is a young man here who has had a rough go at life with his bio-dad incarcerated and a stepdad with visits. We live by the model of work hard play hard. He has made some huge strides in behavior and loves learning new skills. We also just gained 3 new campers, one is traveling from Austin to be a part of what we are doing. God loves his children, where ever they may be.
Outpouring of Support
As we are moving into our next growth spurt of reaching the fatherless where they are at in inner city Fort Worth and Dallas. We had tons of love in the form of prayers and giving. With all the gifts and giving we are set to teach Bicycle Tuning and repair, Automotive Basics, and Lawn Care. We have been gifted:
• Brand new Chain Saw
• Weed eater
• Hedge trimmer
• Mower
• Cooler
• And a storage space to keep it all
• Our van is out of paint but still in the build process
• We have been invited into the YMCA to share what we do and be a benefit to their members
• We were officially introduced to the community with a ribbon cutting at the Chamber of Commerce
• Watch for the next Lake Granbury Living magazine
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