March Camp – Bike Repair
March 23, 2019
March Camp was a BLAST!!
Our March camp was a huge success!!
How does our life and relationship with Christ relate to a bike wheel? Why does God and derailleur have perimeters?
Besides having 2 young men out with sickness, the 3 others received an incredible amount of knowledge, skill, and ton of fun. They either brought a bike to fix or got to go home with one that was generously donated.

We had a bike that was brought with 1 flat tire and one worn-out tire, the crank was in pieces, a bag of parts, missing grips, the chain was too long, and hadn’t worked for over a year. It left reassembled, 2 new tires, new grips, the crank fixed, the chain cut and resized, and a HUGE smile on the young man’s face.
2 Brothers and their new rides
We had 2 guys who had grown so tall in their teenage years that their bikes had become too small. Their bikes became more of a want than a need, but we were able to fulfill that want.
Hands-On Training
All the young men went through an overview of 4 bike types, how their components work, then went to work on tuning, adjusting derailleurs, truing wheels, and changing tires. All these young men could tear a bike down and put it back together by then end of the day.
Upcoming events: Lawn Care
Genisis 2:15 – The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and Take care of it.
We will be doing lawn care for our upcoming camp. This is a topic that MANY single moms have told me that they really want their sons to learn. We will be blessing a single mom, widow, elderly, or disabled person/family in our surrounding community by using their home as a place to learn this skill. We currently have a couple of leads of people that may be able to use our help but we haven’t heard back yet, so please let me know if you know someone that could be blessed by this.
James 1:27, ESV: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
2 Areas To Give
There are 2 areas that have an opportunity to give.
1. We have grown to the point that we have 3 of the 5 young men sponsored. Monthly sponsors are $50 per month per young man. you can do a one-time gift or monthly reoccurring.
2. The majority of the van build is being donated and sponsored but there are parts that need to be purchased to complete the project totaling about $1000. End all be all for the van is that when the young men show up to camp they feel spoiled and loved.
You can give at
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