Lives Are Changing
December 28, 2019
We are called to be “fruit inspectors”, to see what fruit is coming from the work we do. Is it good fruit? Fruit that delights Jesus? Fruit that brings others closer to Him? Here is some of the fruit from Advance Camp Texas…

Camper J has dreamed of opening his own restaurant one day, but never had the skills or confidence to back it up. At camp, J learned the basic skills needed to be a successful chef! This lit a fire in him, and his dreams are growing. He has even started working on a business plan!
“He has come out of his shell”
“Just a few camps and he is different”
“He is doing awesome in school!”
The moms of our campers can see the difference in their young men after Advance Camp Texas.
Father Figure
“At this camp he was super excited that he got to use the jack to lift the car. Usually after every camp he’ll tell me all about the things he learned and he’ll want to show me everything. It definitely gives him a boost of confidence. He also loves being complimented by the mentors… when one of the men from camp give him a compliment, he has to tell everyone about it. It means so much to him.”
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