June Camps – Turning Wrenches & Turning Reels


Changing Oil and Lives

We were broken up into two groups. At the oil change and inspection station, the campers learned how to do an oil change and inspect the vehicle for potential damaged parts or obvious future mechanical/safety issues. They were also provided a 74 point inspection sheet to learn parts and functions from bumper to bumper.

Stopping and Going

The second station was to learn how to inspect, replace, and maintain a braking system along with tire life.  The campers learned how to disassemble and reassemble the braking system and they even got a chance to learn how to repair a leaky tire.

Exotics and Sales

Our last stop of the day was at a car dealer that sells high-end luxury cars.  The campers got a tour of the facility, an understanding of the business, and even got to sit and go for rides in high-end luxury cars.  They saw Lamborghini SUVs, Acura NSX, Maclaren, G Wagons, Bentleys, and even got to sit in the most expensive production car of its day, the Bentley Mulsanne.


A Second Chance

At Advance Camp we believe in and live out “Beauty from Ashes”.  This boat was donated to us about a year ago after spending 15 years in storage, torn apart, and waiting to be brought back to life.  After eight months of work, hours upon hours donated by Carey and Son’s Marine to get it back to life, and now the campers will be blessed for years.

Boats Upon Boats

Besides the boat, our campers restored we had four additional boats to take all our campers and mentors out on the water. For the second year in a row, we had the exact amount of space as attendees. The boats caught everywhere from 1 to 18 fish.

Lunch Nuggets

Every one of our camps we share something from the bible with the young men to encourage, build confidence, and provide hope.  We shared Matthew 4:19 and Matthew 28:19-20.  We encouraged them to become fishers of men, to make disciples of all nations, and to welcome them into the waters of baptism.


We have been prayerfully deciding on the next steps for Advance Camp.  You are hearing it here first.  We will be moving to every other month instead of once a quarter in Florida and we will be launching the Nashville location in January and February of 2023.  We don’t have the funding yet but we are at peace that God has us covered by people like you.  Click “Help Provide” above to help move us forward to impact more fatherless and create stronger relationships with our existing ones.

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